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MOBIL Honda Jazz Modification from Surabaya

MOBIL Honda Jazz Modification from Surabaya
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Den lantai dasar pusat perbelanjaan di Surabaya Town Square (Sutos) di Jawa Timur disesaki All New Honda Jazz dan Freed yang sudah dimodifikasi. Nomor, 20 unit Jazz yang mengikuti Jazz Tuning Contest, 06-08 Agustus 2010.
Pengoperasian Kota Pahlawan, menurut Jonfis Fandy, untuk keempat kalinya. "Singapura menjadi pilihan karena Jazz sangat dominan di Jawa Timur dan menyumbang 15 persen untuk penjualan nasional," kata Direktur Pemasaran & aftersales layanan bahwa PT Honda Prospect Motor.
Kontes kali ini diikuti oleh 20 peserta yang datang dari Semarang, Yogyakarta, Malang, Surabaya dan tuan rumah. "Mereka bersaing di tiga kelas, yaitu Racing (12 peserta), Elegan (5), dan Extreme (3)," kata ketua juri, Rendy Surya Setiawan, dari Majalah Mobil Modifikasi Motor & Gaya Hidup.
Dari semua kontestan, tidak ada modifikasi ekstrem kanan. Dengan Rendy, karena sesuai dengan peraturan dan keinginan Honda bahwa mobil masih bisa digunakan untuk penekanan sehari-hari dan juga pada faktor kenyamanan dan keamanan.
Namun demikian, ada terobosan yang membuat beberapa peserta. Jazz adalah dimiliki oleh Ronald Rendy menunjuk runner-up di Raja Contezt rumah modifikasi Jazz Tuning pada 2010 yang berlaku Sendok. "Karena umumnya berorientasi Jazz Mugen, Modula, dan lain-lain. Dalam body kit situ, kaca spion, dan karbon Sendok panel pakai," jelas Rendy.
"Saya memilih Sendok karena sederhana dan lezat sehari-hari," komentar Marlon (22), mengapa memilih Sendok. "Jazz," lanjut salah satu mahasiswa di departemen otomotif Melbourne, "memiliki saudara saya."
Terobosan lain, Rendy menunjuk Jazz putih mengadaptasi desain Wald. Jepang tuner khusus untuk Mercedes-Benz. Tapi hasilnya cukup rapi.
Lomba ini akhirnya dimenangkan oleh Suryo dengan aliran modifikasi elegan. Jazz berkelir kombinasi hitam dan hijau dicampur juga menerima Para Multimedia Paling Elegan. Jadi, di dalam mobil, terutama di ruang penumpang belakang terdapat layar televisi cukup besar. Kemudian, antara ruang belakang dan sekat depan diberikan.
Mengapa, bagaimana melihat di belakangnya? "Ini parkir mobil sensor dan kamera diberikan sedikit untuk melihat kembali Jadi,. Dari segi keamanan masih terjaga," kata Rendy.

Den ground floor shopping center in Surabaya Town Square (Sutos) in East Java crammed All New Honda Jazz and Freed that have been modified. Number, 20 units that follow the Jazz Jazz Tuning Contest, 6 to 8 August 2010.
Operation of the City of Heroes, according to Jonfis Fandy, for the fourth time. "Singapore became an option because Jazz is very dominant in East Java and contributed 15 per cent for national sales," said Director of Marketing & aftersales service that PT Honda Prospect Motor.
The contest this time followed by 20 participants who came from Semarang, Yogyakarta, Malang, Surabaya and host. "They compete in three classes, namely Racing (12 participants), Elegant (5), and Extreme (3)," said jury chairman, Surya Rendy Setiawan, from Modified Magazine Motor Cars & Lifestyle.
Of all the contestants, no modification of the extreme right. By Rendy, because according to regulations and Hondas desire that the car can still be used for everyday and also emphasis on comfort and safety factors.
Nevertheless, there is a breakthrough that made some of the participants. Jazz is owned by Ronald Rendy appoint the runner-up in a King of Jazz Tuning Contezt home modifications in 2010 which apply Spoon. "Because of commonly oriented Jazz Mugen, Modula, and others. In situ body kit, rearview mirror, and disposable carbon panels Spoon," explained Rendy.
"I chose the Spoon because it is simple and delicious everyday," commented Marlon (22), why choose Spoon. "Jazz," continued one of the university students in Melbournes automotive department, "has my brother."
Another breakthrough, Rendy pointed white Jazz adapt Wald design. Japanese tuner specifically for Mercedes-Benz. But the result is pretty neat.
The competition was eventually won by Suryo with elegant flow modifications. Jazz berkelir combination of mixed black and green was also received The Most Elegant Multimedia. So, in the car, especially in the rear passenger space there big enough screen television. Then, between the back room and front bulkhead are given.
Operation of the City of Heroes, according to Jonfis Fandy, for the fourth time. "Singapore became an option because Jazz is very dominant in East Java and contributed 15 per cent for national sales," said Director of Marketing & aftersales service that PT Honda Prospect Motor.
The contest this time followed by 20 participants who came from Semarang, Yogyakarta, Malang, Surabaya and host. "They compete in three classes, namely Racing (12 participants), Elegant (5), and Extreme (3)," said jury chairman, Surya Rendy Setiawan, from Modified Magazine Motor Cars & Lifestyle.
Of all the contestants, no modification of the extreme right. By Rendy, because according to regulations and Hondas desire that the car can still be used for everyday and also emphasis on comfort and safety factors.
Nevertheless, there is a breakthrough that made some of the participants. Jazz is owned by Ronald Rendy appoint the runner-up in a King of Jazz Tuning Contezt home modifications in 2010 which apply Spoon. "Because of commonly oriented Jazz Mugen, Modula, and others. In situ body kit, rearview mirror, and disposable carbon panels Spoon," explained Rendy.
"I chose the Spoon because it is simple and delicious everyday," commented Marlon (22), why choose Spoon. "Jazz," continued one of the university students in Melbournes automotive department, "has my brother."
Another breakthrough, Rendy pointed white Jazz adapt Wald design. Japanese tuner specifically for Mercedes-Benz. But the result is pretty neat.
The competition was eventually won by Suryo with elegant flow modifications. Jazz berkelir combination of mixed black and green was also received The Most Elegant Multimedia. So, in the car, especially in the rear passenger space there big enough screen television. Then, between the back room and front bulkhead are given.
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